Our active travel projects aim to inspire and support people to reduce car use for short journeys. We run a range of activities and events to help people increase their skills and confidence to change the way they travel. This includes cycle training and led rides. led walks, bike repairs and maintenance workshops, bike borrowing and sales. Kirkcaldy Cycling Festival and events encouraging people to fly less.
Greener Kirkcaldy – Lang Toun Cycles from Paths for All on Vimeo.

Fife Easy E-Bikes

Walking Activities

Kirkcaldy Cycling Festival

Cycling Friendly Employers

Kirkcaldy Climate Friendly Living Guide

Fife Community Cycling Action Plan

Cycling Activities

Kirkcaldy Walking Guide

Lang Toun Cycles

Climate Action Fife
Quick stop – basic brake maintenance
Mining landscapes 2 – Cardenden and Minto walk
Gears & chain maintenance
Saturday social bike rides
Fife Pilgrim Way by bike – Windygates to Cupar
Nature connection walk – Kinghorn Loch

Get involved in the Everyday Cycling Fife campaign!
By taking part in Everyday Cycling Fife, you can help people feel empowered to make more journeys by bike.