Kirkcaldy Cycle Map

Our Kirkcaldy Cycle Map shows you the best routes to get from A to B in Kirkcaldy, as well as leisure routes that take in the sights of the town. We hope that the guide will make it easier for cycling to become a regular part of your routine.
As well as highlighting the town’s traffic-free shared use paths, the guide includes 6 cycle routes to try:
- Kirkcaldy to Glenrothes
- East Kirkcaldy Loop
- Retail Park to Victoria Hospital
- Three Parks
- Castles and Towers
- Heritage Plaque Track
The routes follow roads, shared use and traffic free paths and were designed by our cycling instructor Jim and our Active Travel Volunteers.
The guide can also be downloaded via the link below:
Paper copies are available from the Greener Kirkcaldy Building, 8 East Fergus Place, and from Lang Toun Cycles on the High Street (opposite the indoor market).