Green New Year Resolutions
The Christmas period has come to an end and now the focus shifts to a new year. It is traditional to make some New Year resolutions at this time of the year with some being harder to keep than others. In this blog I will go through some resolutions that are green, easy to keep and could save you some money.
1. Recycle or Upcycle
You probably do some kind of recycling at home or at work but why not take it up a level. Try to recycle more and more and get friends and family involved. Also you can start a recycling program at your work or school.
Why not also try upcycling? Think about ways you can reuse items around for a different purpose. The item will be more useful than it was before and also you can reduce your carbon footprint.
2. Conserve energy
Start conserving energy inside your home and bring down the amount of money you spend on your bills. We have tips on how to save energy in the kitchen and also how to save energy in the winter. Plus you can book a free home visit with a Cosy Kingdom energy advisor for even more advice on saving energy in your home.
3. Use your own shopping bags
Some people already take their own bags to the shops and a resolution could be to keep that going but if you don’t then it could be a good idea to get in the habit of taking your own bags when going shopping. Taking a reusable bag to the shop is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Keep the bags in a place in the house where you will remember to pick them up when going to the shops.
4. Cut down on paper towels
If you use paper towels for cleaning up spillages, keeping your work top clean, scrubbing your bathroom and even washing your hands then it could be a good idea to invest in some cotton cloths or fabric napkins. Once you have used them you can put them in the washing and use them again instead of using a paper towel which you would throw out.
5. Drive less
If possible, when going to work or even making short journeys, leave the car at home. If it’s a short trip you are making then walking to your destination could be an option or even going on a bike which is also good exercise. Also you could use public transport more to get to the destination you are going too. You can reduce your carbon footprint, save money on fuel and car maintenance, and also improve your fitness all at the same time.
6. Donate clothes
Have a good clear out of your wardrobe, and if you decide you don’t want to keep an items of clothing donate them to a Charity Shop for people who could really use them, or give them to family or friends.
7. Waste less food
When out shopping for food try to only buy items you need. Buying items you don’t really need because they’re on offer will only lead to them being thrown in the bin at a later date. Also when cooking food try to only cook the amount of food you plan on eating (or freeze extras) and try to avoid putting food in the bin.
8. Reuse water bottles
Once you have bought a plastic bottle of water, wash it out and use it again, or buy yourself a reusable water bottle.
9. Use LEDs
LEDs are good energy saving lights. If you don’t already have LED lights installed in your home then install them and save yourself some money in the long term. Some misconceptions surrounding LEDs are that they cost more, but they also last longer so that means you are actually spending less on lights in the long term. Thinking of swapping your bulbs? Bring your old bulbs to the Eco Shop for our LED Amnesty and get money off.
10. Hang your washing out
It’s not always easy to hang your washing out in Scotland but when we do get dry days then take advantage of it. You can save energy and cut down on your bills by not using the tumble dryer or the radiator to dry your clothes.
11. Compost
Start collecting items for your compost early on so it will be ready for the growing season later on in the year. Items like fruit and vegetables, tea bags, egg shells, coffee grounds, napkins, towels, plates, tissues, newspapers and coffee filters can be put in a compost, so reduce your waste and keep them instead of throwing them out.
12. Use rechargeable batteries
If you have bought your kids toys that need batteries at Christmas, then consider buying rechargeable ones. Also if you use batteries for anything else around the house then consider switching these too. It will keep the toxic batteries out of landfill.
Hopefully if you are struggling for resolutions this year or wanted something a little different from the norm then this blog has helped you a little. All that is left is for me to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!
References and further reading