Check out our new Kirkcaldy Climate Friendly Living Guide for some fresh ideas to tackle the climate emergency locally.
Sustainability of technology
Development Worker, Craig recently attended Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ event, How to use digital technologies sustainably. Here he summarises the content from speaker Hannah Smith’s presentation.
Using Climate Fresk to understand the climate emergency
In March 2022, Climate Action Fife delivered their first in-person training day combining the Climate Fresk approach with Fife Climate Knowhow modules. Read about how it went in this blog by Climate Action Fife.
Getting to know a Folding Electric Bike
Find out how Media Volunteer Karen got on with a folding e-bike which she borrowed for free from our community bike shop, Lang Toun Cycles.
The Importance of Wetlands in Combating Climate Change
Media Volunteer Liam celebrates the importance of wetlands as a habitat and role they play in tackling climate change.
Report on Climate Action and The Wellbeing Economy: Greener Kirkcaldy Annual Gathering
Media Volunteer Karen attended our Annual Gathering and AGM in January and shares her experience in this blog.