Top tips in our new Climate Friendly Living Guide

Our Kirkcaldy Climate Friendly Living Guide shares some simple ways that you can tread more lightly on the planet and local services and organisations that can support you.
Each small step you can make is a little bit of progress to a greener and fairer Fife. One small change can lead to another, which will snowball into a whole journey of climate friendly living. Before you know it, you will think of yourself as an environmentally friendly person!
Every action you take has a ripple effect that will reach your friends, families, colleagues and community. The benefits of your small actions will be multiplied many times over and show you really do have an influence over those around you.
Four simple ways to reduce your impact
- Buy local and seasonally to ensure your produce has less of a transport and packaging footprint. It is more likely to be in season and has not been flown around the world to land on your plate. By supporting a local business, you know where your food has come from and how it was produced.
- Cycling short journeys instead of using the car cuts carbon and can help you get fit too. You can borrow a bike from Lang Toun Cycles to give cycling a go.
- Repair broken items instead of replacing them. It’s easy to find how-to videos for almost anything online and our guides helps you support local businesses by checking what tech, bike, clothes repair businesses are local to you.
- Take small steps to save energy. Turn off lights when you are not in a room. Line-dry instead of using a tumble dryer. Unplug gadgets when not in us, only fill the kettle with the water you need and try spending a few minutes less in the shower.
The guide explains simple changes that you can make to reduce your personal climate impact. It also includes links to local services and organisations that can help you reduce your carbon footprint.
The guide is laid out under four themes: Energy, food and growing, travel and waste, reuse and repair. This will allow you to easily find the climate friendly action that suits you. Once the first one is ticked off, you can come back and see what else you can do.
Check out the Kirkcaldy Climate Friendly Living Guide