Volunteers’ Week – Thank you to all our volunteers
June 1st-7th was Volunteers’ Week 2021. We wanted to recognise all our volunteers who have continued delivering vital work over the past 12 months as well as all our other volunteers who were not able to because of the pandemic. We value everyone’s commitment and contribution, and we want to say a big Thank You to you all. Over the past week, we highlighted our volunteers and what they have helped us to achieve on our social media platforms.
Lang Toun Cycles
“A huge thanks to all who have been involved with Lang Toun Cycles as volunteers since we got started exactly one year ago. Without their assistance, enthusiasm and dedication we would not be where we are today with a fully fitted high street shop, loads of bikes refurbished and sold, and lots more folks happily pedalling in Kirkcaldy.” David Glover, Lang Toun Cycles Workshop and Retail Coordinator.
“I wanted to be a volunteer as I’ve always loved building, maintaining, and fixing things. I chose Greener Kirkcaldy as I saw a Facebook post about this new bike shop opening up. I like getting hands-on with bikes and using different tools and techniques that I wouldn’t use in day-to-day life. The skills and knowledge I have gained from working one day a week are immeasurable, furthermore, I’m doing this whilst I help out the community.” Euan, LTC Volunteer
Active Travel
“During the past year, our Cycle Ride Leaders have been fantastic under difficult circumstances. Through much of the year, bike rides have been allowed, and our volunteers have been great at adapting to the ever-changing rules. When rides have not been possible, our volunteers have helped to film key cycling routes so that we can share the videos online. These have been a brilliant way to continue to engage with the public when we haven’t been able to run in-person activities.” Susan Jeynes, Active Travel Development Worker
“Volunteering for Greener Kirkcaldy is so rewarding, meeting some great people, receiving some great feedback and encouraging people to take up cycling, walking & environmentally friendly activities, all whilst I learn things myself.” Gary, Active Travel Volunteer.
RWG – Gardening and Growing at our Community Training Garden
“Over the past year we had to put volunteer sessions on hold, however, our garden and orchard still blossomed thanks to volunteers that were able to keep things going on a rota. Food from the garden was used in community meals and shared through The Lang Toun Larder. S9me volunteers kept us entertained through newsletters and others helped out in their communities. Thank you all for volunteering with us”. Carol, Project Manager, Outdoors Project Team
“Having a structured routine, a purpose, a need to achieve and a feeling of worth have been, for me, essential during the pandemic. Being a volunteer with Greener Kirkcaldy has helped give me these necessities during lockdown. I wanted to keep the area looking good for the eventual return of volunteers, old and new.” Alice Volunteer
“My solo visits to the walled garden during the lockdown of 2020 was a great opportunity to get out my flat and get some fresh air and sunshine. This proved very therapeutic, as was the chance to do some hard work so that what we did in 2019 should not go completely to waste as mother nature took the chance to go wild when faced with little human attention”. Alan Volunteer
Community Food Volunteers
Over the last year our Community Food Volunteers have made 11,390 community meals; helped open and run The Lang Toun Larder; collected food donations; delivered meals to people during lockdown, and kept our community spirits high.
“Our team of Community Food Volunteers have made a huge impact over the last year. We want to say a big thank you for helping our community over the past year. We are humbled and so proud of your commitment, enthusiasm and ‘can do attitude. In turn, our community has responded to your support to them with kindness, generosity of spirit, and lots of laughter even when times have been hard. Thank you.” Geraldine, Project Manager, Community Food Team
Climate Action Volunteers/ YP volunteers/ Media Volunteers
Like many, we had to adapt a lot of our activities over the last year. We were also able to recruit lots of new volunteers to take in new roles online. This is also giving us the opportunity to recruit lots of young volunteers to help us write blogs, make films and reach out to more people that we might not have met before.
“We want to give a big thank you to all our hard-working Climate Action/Media Volunteers/Young People. Without all your excellent blogs and videos over the past year, we wouldn’t have had anything close to the amount of content we have had on our website and social media platforms. Despite not being able to meet up in person you have adapted so well and come up with excellent ideas to engage with the community. We look forward to meeting you face to face soon. Thank you.” Steven, Marketing and Communications Assistant and Craig, Senior Development Worker
Thank you to all our great volunteers! We certainly couldn’t do what we do without you.