Book swap in July and August
Fridays and Saturdays at the Greener Kirkcaldy advice centre Bring your old books along and swap them for new reads
Read full storyBike Week 16th – 24th June 2012
Fun Day – Saturday 23rd June at Kirkcaldy Town Square from 10am-4pm with bike tryouts, unicycle stunt displays, Dr Bike (free bike checkups and repairs), competitions, giveaways and lots more.
Read full storyWild food and wildlife walks in Kirkcaldy
The next walk is the Fungi foray on Sat 13th October – 11am – 1pm – all about wild mushrooms.
Read full storySeed Swap!
ARCHIVE: May 2012 Fri 11th May, noon til 5pm and Sat 12th May, 10am til 5pm at the Greener Kirkcaldy centre Do you have half-used packets of vegetable, fruit or salad seeds left over from this year’s planting? Commercial vegetable seeds often come in packets that are just too large …
Read full storyFood group meeting – Thursday 12th April
We have now agreed a lease at the Ravenscraig walled garden for our community orchard and so the meeting will start with a site visit, then move on to a local pub for a discussion and planning session. Come and hear about the latest progress, or get involved!
Read full storyCycleStart rides and free adult cycle training
New to cycling or getting back into cycling after a break? Just the thing.
Read full storyWemyss Caves and coastal erosion lecture
Local caves and a lecture on coastal erosion
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