FULLY BOOKED More Taste, Less Waste

Thursday 18th May, 6pm – 8pm, Kirkcaldy Methodist Church
Do you worry about how much food you are wasting and how much it’s costing you? Why not take part in our More Taste, Less Waste challenge and find out how you could save money and food waste going to landfill?
The average family throws away £60 of food that could have been eaten every week – this is £470 per year! A lot of this can be avoided by planning, storing things correctly and making better use of leftovers. Come and learn tips to avoid food waste whilst learning cooking skills and making some delicious dishes.
Participants will measure their food waste for a week before and after the class to see if there has been an improvement. On completion of the course, participants will also receive a copy of the “River Cottage Love Your Leftovers” book packed full of great recipes and tips.
Classes are ideal for beginners and anyone who would like to learn a bit more. Classes are free of charge but as spaces are limited booking is required. To book your place, call us on 01592 858458, email info@greenerkirkcaldy.org.uk or drop into our High Street Hub, 254a High Street, Kirkcaldy, Wednesday to Saturday, 10am – 4pm.