Discovering Trails in Kirkcaldy
Our Media Volunteer Flora shares what trails you can take on foot or on a bike in her latest blog.
Kirkcaldy has an abundance of stunning trails on offer, some of which are more obvious than others! Often we assume that to find beautiful trails we need to drive long distances to get to remote areas, but there is so much to explore right here on our doorstep. Here are four of my favourites, all of which are suitable for walking, running and cycling (with a trail-suitable bike). Try and see which ones you can tick off without driving anywhere!
Dunnikier Park Trails
Following the path right round the edge of the park will give you a lovely length loop. The trail around the back of the golf course that runs alongside the A92 is always nice and quiet. There are plenty of smaller trails throughout the park which can be mixed and matched for different routes!
Long Braes Plantation Trail
This trail is well-hidden and runs alongside the eastern edge of Oriel Road. The top entrance is located on Bennochy Road, just next to the Broom Road junction, and the bottom entrance is located at the bottom of Oriel Road just by the Dronachy Road junction. The whole path is just under 2km long and is particularly fun to run or cycle from the top (Bennochy Road) as it is all downhill!
Raith Lake Trail
If you exit Beveridge Park out the back of the Wizard’s Walk and turn right, you’ll find a lovely stretch of trail that’s always peaceful and quiet. Following the waymarkers and crossing over Boglily Road will take you round the edge of Raith Lake with some fun ups and downs. This path is extremely easy to link with the Long Braes trail for a slightly longer adventure.
Coastal Path from Seafield Beach
Following the Fife Coastal Path from the back of the Seafield Beach car park is a lovely route with stunning sea views. The trail will take you all the way to Kinghorn if you fancy a longer route (there are some steps where cyclists will need to carry their bikes), but a shorter option is to go to Seafield Tower and back. The tower is 1km from the car park and is a great spot for seals!
Hopefully these ideas will give you an idea of the trails Kirkcaldy has to offer! There are plenty more throughout town and around the outskirts if you’re looking for longer routes. Finding them all can turn outdoor exercise into a really fun adventure!