Climate Action Fife Small Grants Fund
Are you a Fife community organisation interested in engaging your community to take action on the climate emergency?
Climate Action Fife is a Fife-wide partnership project, bringing together individuals, communities, local government and businesses to tackle the climate emergency and make Fife a greener and fairer place to live. It is a partnership between Greener Kirkcaldy, Fife Council, Fife College and Fife Communities Climate Action Network and is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund’s new Climate Action Fund.
The Climate Action Fife Small Grants Fund is open to any Fife community organisation who would like to trial activities to engage their community in the climate emergency. Local community organisations can apply for a grant of up to £500. The process is simple and quick.
How does it work?
Applying for funding is simple, and we’ll get back to you quickly. Successful applicants will receive the funds up front, and the reporting requirements are straight-forward.
To apply, complete and return this application form to, by 5pm on Friday 30th April. Attach a copy of your organisation’s constitution, too.
You’ll hear back from us within 3 weeks of the deadline, telling you if your application was successful.
Projects can commence from 1st June 2021 and must be completed by 31st August 2021. Please note that a condition of the award will be submission of a short end of project report. The report will ask you to share your learning from the project and (where appropriate) photos and a case study.
Who can apply?
Local community groups or organisations based in, and working in, Fife. Applications will only be accepted from constituted, non-profit-distributing organisations. We’re looking for applications from grassroots organisations which are community-led.
What can I apply for?
Your project must trial an activity (or activities) aimed at engaging your local community in the climate emergency. Activities must be aimed at audiences not already engaged in the climate agenda and should increase knowledge and awareness around the climate emergency and/or increase skills and confidence to take climate action. For example, you might want to run climate-themed film showings, ‘climate conversation’ discussion groups, or led walks with a climate-change theme.
Project findings will be used to inform Climate Action Fife’s new climate change engagement toolkit, which will include a resource library of tried and tested climate change engagement activities.
You can apply for a grant of up to £500 to cover things like staff costs, volunteer expenses, event materials, room hire and marketing. We cannot fund political or religious activities, or the purchase of alcohol. See Appendix 1 for a full list of what we cannot fund.
Who’s behind this?
Climate Action Fife is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund’s new Climate Action Fund, which aims to enable people and communities to take the lead in tackling the climate emergency by building a network of people and communities, well-placed to drive change, between and beyond their community. The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest funder of community activity in the UK. They’re proud to award money raised by National Lottery players to communities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Since June 2004, they have made over 200,000 grants and awarded over £9 billion to projects that have benefited millions of people. Website: