Beginners Guide: Growing Veg From Seed
April is the busiest month for vegetable gardeners as there are so many seeds that we can now sow. However, growing plants from seed can feel daunting. Seed packets have lots of information on the back of them which can be overwhelming.
I take a note of a few key things so that I can track the progress of my plants and start planning where to put them. I jot down:
- Plant name including the variety
- How best to germinate
- How long it generally takes to germinate
- Where to sow seed (indoors or outdoors)
- Date which plant was sown and how many
Lots of seeds can be germinated outdoors this month. Follow the instructions on the packet and plant seeds straight out into a prepared bed or container. Water them regularly and don’t allow the bed/container to dry out now. Check on them often and protect from pests if you are concerned.
Some seeds will still only germinate indoors though and if you choose to grow these plants you will need to give them a little bit more care and attention. Keep in mind that you are trying to mimic nature to get these seeds to germinate. They will need heat, light and water. To get off to the best start, wash all your pots, use fresh seeds and open a new bag of seed compost.
What you will need:
- Seed Compost
- Seed Trays, Propagators or Pots (including homemade/upcycled!)
- Drip Trays
- Seeds
- Plastic Bags (Optional)
Select a Pot
- Select an appropriate pot or container based on the information on the seed packet.
- Fill with seed compost and firm down. Seeds like to make contact with the soil so firming down is important.
Sow a Seed
- Plant seeds into compost, seed packets should tell you what depth.
- If it doesn’t mention that, then a good rule of thumb is to push the seed in 2 x as deep as the seed is wide.
- Pour water into your drip tray and sit seed trays/pots into it. Watering from below saves seeds being dispersed.
- Label with plant name and date seed was sown! This will become very important.
- Pick the warmest, sunniest spot in the house and water as needed.
- If the seeds don’t germinate try putting a plastic bag over it for some more heat.
Look out on our website and social media for more gardening guides soon!