This year, we take immense pride in celebrating five years of community ownership of our Kirkcaldy town centre community building.
Our 2018-2023 strategic plan: report on our achievements
Read a report on our achievements towards the aims of our 2018-23 strategic plan.
Going greener together: consulting our community on our new strategic plan
Our community had a key role in shaping our new strategic plan, which sets out our ambitions for the next five years.
An introduction from Greener Kirkcaldy’s new Chief Executive
Our Chief Executive Lauren Brook shares her excitement for her new role at Greener Kirkcaldy.
Join us! Job opportunity: Chief Executive
We are looking for an experienced leader to take Greener Kirkcaldy on the next stage of its journey.
Greener Kirkcaldy’s Chief Executive is moving on
Suzy Goodsir, Greener Kirkcaldy’s Chief Executive, is stepping down after eleven years leading our staff team.