Assisting older people during COVID-19

Many of us are caring for, or worried about, an older person at the moment – here are some links to resources that may help.
Large print, easy read guides on COVID-19
If you care for, or work with, an older person who has sight issues or could benefit from accessing large print and pictures on COVID-19 guidance, the NHS has produced some easy-read advice. There is also a poster with easy-read information.
Malnutrition risk and COVID-19
Older adults are disproportionately affected by malnutrition compared with any other age group in the population. Given the recommendations on social distancing, and the necessary reductions in the availability of some services that many older people rely on for regular access to food shopping and cooking assistance, it is vitally important that older people are supported to eat well, remain hydrated and keep as active as possible.
Eat Well Age Well offers free resources regarding general advice around eating well as you get older, including a free guide for older people, as well as specific advice around malnutrition. If you would like a copy of these resources, please email The resources and free guide can also be found on the Eat Well Age Well website.
The British Dietetic Association are maintaining a regularly updated web page with dietary information and frequently asked questions regarding diet and COVID-19. This is a great resource for anyone with concerns regarding their diet during the COVID-19 outbreak.
There are lots of organisations looking for volunteers to reach older people – whether it’s helping with shopping or collecting a prescription. Register with Fife Voluntary Action, if you would like to volunteer (or know someone who needs assistance). Food Train and Meal Makers are also looking for volunteers to make and deliver meals or shopping to someone. Phone the local branch on 01382 810944 for more information.
Adult Protection Phone Line
The Adult Protection Phone Line is available on 01383 602200 if you, or someone you know, is at risk of harm or neglect.