Apple Day 2014
Saturday 25th October 12 – 3pm, Ravenscraig Walled Garden
Join us for our annual Apple Day at Ravenscraig Walled Gardens – a celebration of the humble apple! We’ve a fun packed day this year – and it’s especially exciting as 2014 saw our first apple harvest from the orchard we planted in November 2012. Make apple juice, hear stories, visit the orchard, get your apples identified and learn about growing apples (plus games and much more…)
As usual we’ll be pressing apples to make apple juice. We’re looking for donations of apples for this – if you’ve an apple tree and don’t know what to do with your crop – get in touch. You can also bring your own apples along and make juice from them to take home (please bring your own bottles).
We’ll also have stories for kids (and big-kids) from Mrs. Mash the storytelling cook. Andrew Lear (aka Appletreeman) will be on hand to try to identify your apples and give advice on growing and looking after apple trees.
This is an open event – no need to book, just come along!