Trip to Gardening Scotland

Last Saturday, Greener Kirkcaldy gave its orchard volunteers a trip to Gardening Scotland. I photographed some of the highlights. (All photos copyright, J. Bain)
Characters from The Herbs were a popular feature at the Chelsea Flower Show this year and were transported to Ingliston, along with their surrounding floral display, and re-created for Scotland’s event:
Indoor floral display highlights:
Lilies Galore: When choosing flowers, scent is a huge attraction for me and lilies smell divine…
Bonsai! One of my grandfathers kept a couple of bonsai at the top of his garden… I’d love to try it myself. Where space is limited, just imagine how impressive one of these miniaturised trees could look in it!
Meeting up for lunch…

A few of the show gardens:
Things to watch and useful links: If grandeur is what you’re after, take a look at some of the these clips from BBC Two’s coverage of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show or browse through their galleries. I sometimes like to watch Gardener’s World but for local climatic relevance you may prefer Beechgrove Garden. (I caught a glimpse of Jim McColl and co answering questions in the RHS Gardening Theatre at Gardening Scotland on Saturday.) For specific advice and garden care, I find the online BBC gardening guides very helpful and the RHS website has plenty to offer about plants and advice, shows and courses… *The Fife Garden Festival is taking place this weekend and there will be a plant sale at Kinghorn Parish Church Hall this Saturday from 10am-noon!* To find plant sales and open gardens in your area, visit Scotland’s Gardens, and watch out for Kinghorn Village Show in late summer!