Powering up Communities – Booking now closed
Greener Kirkcaldy’s Annual Gathering and AGM
Saturday 27 February 2016
St Bryce Kirk Centre
10am -2.15pm
Booking closes on Wednesday 24 February so book your place now!
Greener Kirkcaldy’s Annual Gathering and AGM will be a great opportunity for hearing about tackling climate change in local communities, and what powers a new Community Empowerment Act can bring to enable a sense of ownership of local resources.
We have engaged two inspiring speakers to explore why climate change matters in our everyday lives and how we can develop and own our own solutions that are relevant to all, no matter how small.
We are delighted to confirm our keynote speaker, Alastair McIntosh, writer, academic, campaigner and activist. Two of Alastair’s best known books are: Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power (2001) and Hell and High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition (2008). Alastair is also well known for his involvement in land reform through the Isle of Eigg Trust; as a founding Director of the Galgael Trust in Glasgow; and his work on climate change and community empowerment.
We are also really pleased to welcome Lynn Molleson, Director of Harlaw Hydro Ltd to our event too. On September 1 2015, Harlaw Hydro was officially opened. Harlaw Hydro is a community benefit society owned by its 250 community shareholders who together have invested £400K in green energy on the Waters of Leith at Balerno, near Edinburgh. It will also generate income for the benefit of the local community. Lynn will tell us the story of how the local community developed and established the scheme, and the journey taken in bringing it into community ownership.
Our Annual Gathering will run from 10.00 (tea and coffee from 9.30am) until 1.00pm. Our AGM will take place after a locally sourced lunch from 1.45pm.
This event is free of charge but you must book a ticket. If you have an e-mail address please can you book directly through our event page on Eventbrite by following this link:
If you want to book a place and do not have an e-mail address, please contact us on 01592 858458 or pop into our High Street Hub at 254a High Street, Kirkcaldy – Wednesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm.
We look forward to seeing you at our event!
Greener Kirkcaldy