More Taste – Less Waste
Workshop 1: Thursday 17th November, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Kirkcaldy Methodist Church, St Clair Street
Workshop 2: Thursday 24th November, 6.30pm-8.30pm, Kirkcaldy Methodist Church, St Clair Street
Come and join us for two great, hands-on practical sessions that will look at preparing great tasting food, but with less waste.
Over the two evenings we will be showing you how to cook with food that might normally be left-over and discussing how you can make the most of your shopping. You will prepare and taste a range of recipes and we will discuss tips on how to save money and reduce food waste. You will take away a set of recipe cards, a dish that you have cooked and some new tips and ideas.
Classes are ideal for beginners and anyone who would like to learn a bit more. Classes are free of charge but as spaces are limited booking is required. Ingredients and equipment are provided but please bring a container to take away food. To book your place, call us on 01592 858458, email info@greenerkirkcaldy.