Kids Tears and Repairs

Wednesday 17th January 2018, 6.30-8.30pm
St. Bryce Kirk Centre, St. Brycedale Avenue, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1ET
Would you like to learn how to repair tears on children’s clothes? Come along to our sewing workshop where we will show you how to fix a tear and adjust children’s clothing, giving clothes a new lease of life. Tools and materials will be supplied, but if you have torn items you’d like to work on, please bring them along.
This workshop is part of our Too good to waste project; we offer a series of classes and workshops where you can learn to repair and upcycle clothes, make them last longer and prevent textile waste.
Booking information
The event is free but booking is required as spaces are limited.
Please book via Eventbrite.
If you have any problems booking, or any questions, please phone 01592 858458 or email