Fuel Poverty Awareness Day
In the last three years Greener Kirkcaldy has been helping 1000’s of households to save energy, stay warm and control their fuel bills. Since January 2013, with support from the Big Lottery Fund, we, in partnership with STAndEN and CARF, have extended this support Fife wide through the Cosy Kingdom project.
It’s National Energy Action Fuel Poverty Awareness day today. There are many people at risk of, or experiencing, fuel poverty everywhere. Here is an example of someone we have been able to help.
Miss D was referred to Greener Kirkcaldy by a local Housing Association. She was experiencing some complex financial difficulties that led to serious concerns about her ability to keep sufficiently warm in her home. Miss D agreed to a home energy advice visit from a Greener Kirkcaldy energy advisor to support her to explore ways to keep warm over the winter.
During the visit it was confirmed that Miss D had accrued some debt on her prepayment gas meter and couldn’t afford to heat her home. Her income is very low, so available funds for heating were very tight.
Her gas meter was checked and our advisor made a call to her energy supplier to confirm the debt accrued. It transpired that she hadn’t been topping up her energy supply for many months as it was the summer. She had not realised that even though the heating was off, she was still accruing standing charges (£2 per week) which were adding to the debt. Our energy advisor was able to negotiate some reduction in debts accrued, enabling her to begin using her gas supply again with budgeting support. We were also able to secure a Warm Homes Discount into her electricity account.
We gave extensive advice on how to make the best use of the energy used in her home, for example shutting doors between rooms to keep the heat in and using thermostatic radiator valves to keep the living areas cosy. We were also able to help with adding reflective panels to radiators, exchange LED light bulbs for existing inefficient bulbs and provide some lined curtains which had been donated to Greener Kirkcaldy. All of these measures are helping to retain heat and help get Miss D’s energy bills under control as well as staying sufficiently warm.
Our Cosy Kingdom energy advice service can help you keep warm and save money, with tailored home energy advice. To make an appointment call 01592 858458, email info@greenerkirkcaldy.org.uk or pop into our High Street Hub, 254a High Street – we’re open 10am-4pm Wednesdays to Saturdays. The service is free, impartial and open to anyone in Fife.