Cosy Kingdom helping people differently
The Cosy Kingdom team has adapted to support people over the phone and online instead of carrying out home visits.
Barry supported John in Levenmouth as he couldn’t afford to keep his meters topped up. Barry called John and gave him a top up so he would have gas and electricity until he was next paid. We were able to top up online so didn’t have to visit his home. Barry also referred John for a food parcel from the Levenmouth Foodbank and gave him advice to reduce his energy costs.
Shirley in Dunfermline was referred to us by her local MP. Shirley was avoiding using her gas as she was worried about getting into debt. Her account was managed online, but she didn’t use the internet so had no idea how much energy she was using. Michael did a 3-way call with Shirley and her energy supplier and arranged for paper bills to be sent out. The supplier revealed that she was actually over £350 in credit! Shirley was really relieved and more confident using her heating. She said: ‘Last night was the first time I’ve slept in months!’
If you’re worried about paying your gas and electricity, or don’t have money to top up your meter, get in touch with the team for support. Call us on 01592 807930. If you have Facebook, Michael is doing a live video on the Cosy Kingdom page every Wednesday at 2pm discussing a range of energy topics!