Case Study #3 Check you are getting the grants and benefits you are entitled to

The Carters called Greener Kirkcaldy to enquire about the scrappage scheme for their old boiler. A home energy advice visit was booked so our energy advisor could find out more about how they heat their home and any grants they might be entitled to.
At that time the Green Homes Cash-back Scheme was closed. However, through discussion, it came to light that Mrs Carter experiences some disability and receives benefits to support her with that. As a result, her situation meant that they would qualify for the Energy Assistance Scheme. A referral was made from us in addition to securing a Warm Homes Discount from their energy supplier.
If you think you might benefit from advice and support from our energy advice team you can arrange a home visit by calling into our High Street Hub at 254a High Street Kirkcaldy Wednesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm, calling 01592 858458 or e-mail