Following a fortnight of fantastic events, Fife Climate Festival will finish with a Big Day Oot in Silverburn Park, Leven.
Climate Action
Big Day Oot bike ride
This ride is to celebrate climate-friendly travel as part of the Fife Climate Festival and will stop by the Big Day Oot in Silverburn Park.
Evening bat walk
Join us for an evening walk to learn about bats in Beveridge Park with local naturalist Tony Wilson.
Tayport and Tentsmuir cycle ride
Join us for a leisurely bike ride taking you on a loop around Tayport and Tentsmuir forest. Part of Fife Climate Festival.
Help us to win £5,000 to support our work
We are encouraging people to nominate them for a chance to win £5,000 as part of Benefact Group’s annual Movement for Good Awards.
Kate Rawles talk and cycle to EATS Rosyth
Join us for a talk with Kate Rawles followed by a cycle ride to EATS Rosyth to celebrate their Apple Day.