Be prepared for the smart meter roll-out

By the year 2020 the UK government is planning for smart meters to be installed in every UK home and business. If you are unaware of these plans you may have several questions regarding smart meter technology. So here is some vital information that may answer your questions such as what is a smart meter, how do they work and how do they affect your energy bills.
Smart meters are the next generation of energy meters and will replace the energy meter already installed in your home. They will automatically communicate with with your energy supplier by sending meter readings directly to them. There are gas and electricity smart meters, and they come with an in-home display which tracks how much energy you use and what it costs. Smart meters work through the use of mobile phone-type signals in order for energy suppliers to receive meter readings. According to Uswitch and the Energy Saving Trust, the benefits of smart meters include;
- Smart meters allow you to review your energy use, meaning you will know how much energy you use and what it costs you
- Through real-time data you will be able to have better management over your energy use allowing you to save money and energy and Uswitch also mention other ways in which smart meters can help you;
- Although smart meters will not directly save you money, the in-home display can show you how much energy you use over different time scales allowing you to review your energy consumption and in turn it can enable you to become more energy efficient
- Smart meters can also potentially make switching suppliers much easier, if you ever did decide to switch you would also be able you use the same smart meter
- They can also work in both credit and prepayment modes allowing you to choose which option suits you best
- Smart meter technology has also been given various safety checks, as they are covered by both EU and UK safety legislation. Also the DECC states that all smart meters are covered by the same safety regulation and testing of any in-home technological device
It is hoped that the smart meter roll-out programme will give the public more control over the amount of energy they use, by providing up to date accurate information about domestic energy consumption. This will allow consumers to reduce energy bills and carbon emissions. Regarding the time scale of the roll-out of smart meters across the UK, energy providers will have their own plans over the distribution of smart meters to customers and it is to begin between 2015 and 2020. Energy suppliers will contact customers with a time and a date for the smart meter to be installed.
Over the next five years the smart meter roll-out programme should be in full effect. The technology behind smart meters is promising as it should allow you to have more knowledge and power over your energy use.