Winter Warmth insulation offer launch
ARCHIVE: September 2010
Saturday 18th Sept, at the Greener Kirkcaldy centre
We can’t change the weather, but with our Winter Warmth Insulation Offer we can help make your home cosier and cheaper to heat this winter. Greener Kirkcaldy and the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre have teamed up to offer a fast track discounted insulation service to all Kirkcaldy residents.
Book your free, no obligation, home insulation survey on the spot at the launch on Saturday 18th September from 10am to 5pm, at the Greener Kirkcaldy centre, 222 High Street. An Energy Advisor from the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre will be on hand to answer your questions about the offer.
You can also call the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre free on 0800 512 012 (Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm and Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm) to find out more or to book your survey now.