What we ‘love’ about Spring
I like the snowy bright days, the bulbs popping up and the huge rolling surf at Seafield. (Alison)
We are very cheered up by all the snowdrops and the green shoots of daffodils ready to burst out in a few weeks, and seeing so many birds in the garden, and flying over. (Duncan and Cameron)
I love Spring because it’s the awakening up time of our natural environment. (Lesley M)
Spring is like an awakening! Although this year plant and animal life seem to be a bit confused! This spring though, things will be different. I can’t look forward to my first marathon of the year, but I can look forward to hearing the first chirrups of newborn birds in the trees. I can’t look forward to a spring city break but I can look forward to newborn lambs in the fields. It is important in these dark times that we use the lightness of Spring to bring joy to our lives. (Jim)
I love spring because for me spring it is a symbol of a new beginning, of new birth, of flowers blossoming under the mild sun. I love spring because once again walking will be pleasant along Seafield beach. Its seashore and the coastal path will once again be surrounded by the rainbow colours of flora, with birds singing in the background, hatchlings cries, and that makes me smile. I love spring because once again I’ll sit on the rocks near the tower, this time longer than before, and listen to the colony of frolicking seals nearby like the mermaid myth, imagining to be able to swim amongst them until sundown. When dawn breaks, walk barefoot in the sands. In spring, your imagination runs wild. Creativity’s best time. Our hopes and faith will emerge stronger than ever before to face a new season. (Sally)
Spring is a time for hope and renewal and rebirth. It’s my favourite time of year. This is my ABC of spring: Aconites, Blossom and Birdsong, Chicks, golden Daffodils, Earth renewed, Fledglings, Green grass, Hope, Iris, Joy, Katkins like Lambs tails, Morning light, Nests, Opening Petals, Quiet Rays of Sunlight, Tulips, Unique variety, Waking up X Young and full of Zest. I always remember this lovely rhyme from my childhood about Spring (author unknown).
Spring has sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where the boidies is
The boid is on the wing
But that’s absoid
From what l heard
The wing is on the bird.
(Amanda G)