Wild Flower Walk – Sat 12th May

ARCHIVE: February 2012
Saturday 12th May 11am-1pm at Beveridge Park
The first in this years series of Greener Kirkcaldy Wild Walks will be a guided walk around the Beveridge Park to observe the spring wild flowers. Our guide will be Tony Wilson of Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, who has an amazing knowledge of local flora, fauna and folklore – and is a great storyteller. All ages and abilities welcome.
Meet at Beveridge Park car park, Abbotshall Road,Kirkcaldy
Saturday 12th May
11am til 1pm
Dates for your diary
More walks this year around Kirkcaldy –
16th June – Wild food walk
14th July – Seaside birds
18th August – Seaside walk/rock pools
8th September – Wild food/berries
13th October – Fungi foray