Using The Big Five For Fife to inspire New Year habits
Pat Crosbie, Vice Chair of Greener Kirkcaldy, explains why the Big Five For Fife is a great starting point for a greener 2022.
Each year I try to make a ‘green’ new year resolution which will hopefully mean I will reduce my carbon footprint. This year I intend to extend the pledges I took for ‘The Big Five for Fife’ which I signed up for in Oct 2021. I also hope to adapt one of the pledges to suit my lifestyle.
The Big Five for Fife are high impact actions that help tackle the climate emergency. If everyone in Fife pledged to make one of these simple behaviour changes, together we could save a huge amount of carbon. The idea is that you pick the one(s) that are acheivable or most appeal to you and pledge to make the change part of your regular routine. Or perhaps you want to push yourself and pledge to the change that would be the most significant, and therefore most challenging, for you! If your are not sure how to get started, take a look at the pledge page for each action to find out how to get going.
Pledge 1 – I will reduce my energy usage.
Pat’s Pledge: I have turned down the central heating thermostat by 0.5 degree and will turn it down a further 0.5 degree by the end of January. I will also adjust the timing so it goes off 15 minute earlier and, if possible, another 15 minutes earlier in February.
Pledge 2 – I will cook plant-based for 2 meals a week.
Pat’s Pledge: I previosuly signed up to cook two plant-base meals a week , which I now do. In 2022 I plan to extend this pledge to eating only plant-based food two days a week. This will mean oat milk on my breakfast porridge and replacing my lunch time cheese sandwich with a plant-based alternative. I will also have to make sure any additional snacks and treats are plant-based.
Pledge 3- I will cycle for one regular local journey each week.
Pat’s Pledge: One of the original Big Five Fife pledges was to cycle for one local journey per week. I did not take this pledge because I do not cycle. But, in 2022, I intend to walk for at least one local journey I take in a week and use public transport if the weather is bad, or I do not have time to walk.
Pledge 4 – I will avoid buying new clothes for three months.
Pat’s Pledge: Having completed this pledgeover the last three months of 2021, I have decided to extend my pledge for another three months. I have plenty of clothes in my wardrobe that I can wear for the rest of the winter. I am also sure I have sufficient clothes to wear when the weather turns warmer and spring like.
Pledge 5 – I will join a local group taking climate action.
Pat’s Pledge: I will continue in my role on the board of Greener Kirkcaldy and continue to encourage my community to take action themselves. There are plenty of organisations out there taking action, why not find one near you?
Will you take the pledge?
Hopefully all these small changes will be achievable and sustainable throughout 2022 and they all add up! It is about making small changes at a time, but increasing them slightly (or adding a new one) each year.
Why not make your New Years resolution a Big Five Pledge? You dont have to do all of them, just what works for you. My advice is to not try to run before you can walk. Start small and achievable and work your way up. And remember that behaviour change is difficult, so don’t give yourself too hard a time if you slip up.
If you would like some tips on making your new habit stick, read our blog here.