The Advice Centre will be closed in April for a revamp
The Greener Kirkcaldy Advice Centre is temporarily closing for a revamp this month and will re-open is May. Don’t worry, we’re not closing down!
In the meantime, we can still help you with advice on saving energy and other green issues – just email us on info[at] or call our office on 01592 858458 for a chat or to make an appointment for a more detailed consultation. We can visit you in your home – if you want to find ways to save energy and get your bills under control, a home energy advice visit is usually the best way we can help. Or if you’d prefer to come to our office, that’s fine too – just email or call to make an appointment. Our office is on the High St too, upstairs from the Advice Centre – very handy, and there’s always a warm welcome and a cuppa.
We’re also recruiting this month for 2 enthusiastic and suitably experienced people to join our team and expand our energy advice service out into the community over the next 2 years, and for sessional Energy Advisors and a Handyperson. For details of these jobs, see