Scottish Government enhanced heating consulation

The Scottish Government are looking to understand how people use their heating, and how difficult it might be to afford to heat your home to a comfortable temperature.
They are interested in hearing from a wide variety of people so that they can support those who need it most. To do this, the Energy Saving Trust are holding several focus groups, including one in our building, to hear the views and opinions of how people heat their homes. They are particularly hoping to hear from those with children aged under 3, single parents, over 75s, under 25, unemployed, those with chronic health conditions, or those with an annual household income of less than £16,000
The focus group will be held on Thursday 15th August, 7pm – 8.30pm at Greener Kirkcaldy, 8 East Fergus Place, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1XT. There will be a light buffet provided and you will receive a £40 supermarket voucher to compensate for your time. Children may attend by prior arrangement.
If you are interested in taking part, you can register your interest. Register in person by dropping into Greener Kirkcaldy, through the link here or by contacting Jess Forster from the Energy Saving Trust on or 020 7227 0357/ 07943 812075.