Ravenscraig Walled Garden

Ravenscraig Walled Garden is already a thriving community asset, with individual allotments and plots for community groups managed by Kirkcaldy Community Gardens & Allotments, and our established community orchard. The garden is Common Good Land and the site was brought back into use in 2012.
Greener Kirkcaldy’s Training Garden at Ravenscraig Walled Garden offers courses, training and volunteer opportunities in gardening and growing your own fruit and vegetables. Our space includes a polytunnel, raised beds, seating area and an indoor classroom. We also maintain a Community Orchard with over 100 fruit trees and a ‘wild area’ set aside for nature.
We run weekly volunteer sessions, at which volunteers develop and maintain the site, grow fruit and veg, plant trees and flowers, and make habitats for biodiversity. If you are interested in volunteering with us, you can get more information on our Gardening and Growing volunteer page.
You can also come along to one of our workshops and learn a new skill. Here are some examples of events, workshops and courses we run at Ravenscraig Walled Garden:
- Grow Your Own Workshops – to give people the skills and confidence to grow their own food. These include introductory ‘taster’ sessions, half-day workshops and 2-day courses on specific topics
- Summer Open Days to share our produce and inspire visitors to get involved in the project
- Fun and family-friendly events to engage all members of the local community e.g. Apple Day harvest celebrations, with orchard tours, games, apple juicing, recipes and tasting and Mid-winter wassailing events with story-telling, singing and poetry
See upcoming workshops and events on our events page.