Presentation of our Draft Strategic Plan and EGM

Thursday 8th March, 6pm – 8pm, Adam Smith Theatre, Bennochy Road, Kirkcaldy KY1 1ET
Presentation of Greener Kirkcaldy’s Draft Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023
Following on from our community consultation last year to help us plan future projects, we will be presenting a draft of our business plan for 2018 – 2023. We will be highlighting key areas of our draft plan, which will outline strategies for a sustainable future for Greener Kirkcaldy and work to meet the needs and aspirations of our community. This is an important opportunity to provide us with some feedback on our future plans, anyone is welcome.
Booking information
The event is free to attend.
Please book your place on our Eventbrite page by Wednesday 7th March.
Formal Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting
We are also holding an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to ratify changes to our constitution in relation to the election, retiral and re-election of our directors. Only members can vote in the formal EGM. You can view our current constitution and the proposed changes here:
Greener Kirkcaldy Memorandum and Articles of Association (209 KB PDF file).
GK constitution – summary of proposed changes 2018 (130 KB PDF file)
Copies will also be available in our High Street Hub and at the meeting.
If you would like to become a member of Greener Kirkcaldy before the EGM, you can apply here.
For more information, call 01592 858458 or email