News from Cap and Kay
PLUMS AND PEACOCKS seemed to dominate our attention
towards the end of the Summer, with graceful numbers of one
and too many of the other.
The plums came in perfusion but the harvesting was just a
day or two too late and the recipe didn’t quite work. We were
left with a lot of undrinkable juice. It all goes into the learning
pot for next year.
The Peacock butterflies fared better with good numbers feeding
on the second flowering of a buddleia including one that decided
to have a sleep-over.
There it was settled down for its Winter sleep under a wooden
tabletop in the sitting room. And now for Cap’s top tip in releasing
insects you don’t want to harm but at which you want a wee peak.
Take a small but wide-mouthed plastic pot (the kind you always
clear out and then find you need) and gently cover the insect.
Slide a thin bit of cardboard underneath and hey, presto – your
‘captive’ to look at and possibly photograph. Release as soon
as possible to avoid distress.
Others came later with several Small Tortoiseshells and the
superb scallop-edged Comma. But the Red Admirals took over
with the biggest numbers and kept coming and coming with six
counted at one time on 28th Sept.
And just in case you didn’t know the answer to my earlier quiz
question about the collective name for butterflies, you can take
your pick: a flight, flutter or rabble.
Also, I’ve finally dipped my toe into the waters of that other
world – which always seems deep and unknown and even slightly
perilous to me – and logged in as a butterfly and moth recorder
for Butterfly Conservation. May the gods of the ether be with
Autumn rolls on and one of my favourite sights on a wall
near the conservatory door is the Begonia in its late-season
hues next to a bird box for anything that wants to use it.
Talking of other worlds there is a must-see tree in Ravenscraig
Park which Kay and I have named the magic fairy tree. Children from
a local school must have done it, adorning the tree with elves,
fairies, secret doors, mushrooms, painted shells and stones and
a small pink flamingo for good measure.
The wind has blown some to the ground but the sign still stands
proud: “May Nature Always Nourish Your Garden.” Kay and I
hope it does for all our gardens. Stay well and stay safe.