Thursday 23rd June, 4pm – 5.30pm
Ravenscraig Walled Garden
Grab the kids and your magnifying glasses and join us for a hunt for mini beasts in Ravenscraig Walled Garden. We’ll be searching high and low, under stones, logs, in the soil, on trees and branches and in the many holes and corners around the garden for our many legged friends. Once we’ve found them, we’ll help you identify them and share some interesting facts and stories so that you can go away bug experts too!
This is a family event suitable for children (and adults) of all ages. All hunting and identifying equipment will be provided but please make sure you dress with the Scottish weather in mind – bring along your raincoats and sun cream just in case!
Booking is required. Please contact us to book your place. Phone 01592 858 458, email info@greenerkirkcaldy.org.