Guest blog from Fife Real Nappy Library
In this guest blog Laura Nicholson from Fife Real Nappy Library explains the benefits of choosing resuable nappies over disposable ones, and how parents can get started.
Are you interested in reusable nappies but don’t know where to start? You will find LOTS of information online, but it can be a bit overwhelming. Reusable nappies are not as complicated as they may seem, and Fife Real Nappy Library is here to help.
Why choose reusables?
There are several main reasons to choose reusable nappies.
Save money: Reusable nappies can work out less expensive in the long term, depending on the system you choose. Using reusable nappies from birth to potty training could save you around £1000, even more if you use the same nappies on a second baby. You can also switch to reusable wipes for even more savings.
Help the environment: One baby (from birth to potty training) generates 1 tonne of disposable nappy waste. Disposable nappies are not biodegradable, which means that every disposable nappy ever used will sit in landfill for decades. Even with the manufacturing and washing/drying, reusables can be up to 40% better for the environment.
Gentle on baby-soft skin: With reusables, you can choose which fabrics touch your baby’s skin, with the option of stay-dry man-made fabrics, or natural fabrics like cotton and bamboo.
Where do you start?
Fife Real Nappy Library offers free nappy demonstrations and advice. Simply pop along to one of our sessions, and we will walk you through the different types of nappies, explain how they work and how to use them. If you can’t make it along to one of our meets, we can also offer advice online via our Facebook page.
If you would love to try reusables, but are worried about the initial upfront cost of buying, we have several hire kits available. Each hire kit has everything you will need to try reusable nappies: a selection of different types of nappies, a nappy bin and wet bag for storage, extra boosters, liners, and full instructions on how to use the kit. Our hire kits carry a small hire fee plus a refundable deposit.
Laura Nicholson, Fife Real Nappy Library
For more information about Fife Real Nappy Library follow their Facebook page or email