Green Homes in Fife
You may have noticed we’ve been promoting our new Shine On Fife project a lot recently. It’s because we think that solar panels are great and that many people in Kirkcaldy could be benefiting from free energy from the sun. Alongside the Energy Saving Trust, Shine On Fife aims to take the mystery and uncertainty out of solar power and give you the confidence that panels on your house will generate energy (and some cash).
But don’t take our word for it. The links below will take you to two stories about folk that have installed solar panels right here in Fife. There’s Jim and Christine who put panels on their roof and saved £2000 off their energy bill and there’s the Patersons in Glenrothes who installed an Energy Management System alongside their panels, so they have a truly smart eco-house that makes the most of free electricity when it’s available.
Read About Jim and Christine here
If you’ve ever thought about installing solar panels please get in touch and we’ll be able to answer your questions or book you a free visit from one of the Energy Savings Trust’s expert Home Renewable Advisors. Call us, email us or come into the shop on a Friday and Saturday. We’re also hosting an information evening on the 21st August at St. Brycedale from 7pm.