Fife Food for Fife Folk: Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about Fife Food for Fife Folk ordering
What can I get?
Our product page contains a priced list of local, organic and Fairtrade food available, including dried food that will routinely available to order through our wholesalers as well as local fruit and veg that will be available seasonally.
Our Fife Food for Fife Folk page will keep you updated on the fresh and local produce that will be available that month (please note; as we are dealing with small, sustainable producers working with the land rather than against it, it’s not always possible to guarantee when produce might be ready!)
You can still get many core products through our Eco Shop, too. And remember – all members get a discount on Eco Shop products!
I was looking for something I can’t find on your ordering page. Can I get it through you?
Our ordering page is not a comprehensive list of dried goods available, so if there’s something you would like, please email us! Please allow us up to 4 working days for us to search for a suitable option if you are requesting a new item.
How do you set your prices?
We support transparency in the food chain, and this includes how goods are priced. We add a mark up of 15% to the wholesale price of all goods, which helps us to cover our costs. Our Product List includes prices for all goods.
How can I order?
Currently, you can either order in person in our High Street Hub, or by email. Please note that your order is not final until it has been paid for.
Orders can be placed at any time, but need to be placed by 5pm on Tuesday for Saturday collection.
How can I pay for my order?
You can pop into the Hub any day we’re open, Wednesday to Saturday and pay by cash, or if you’d prefer you can pay by bacs. Just email with your order and ask to pay by bacs.
We take payment in advance to ensure that all food is collected, and that there is no food waste.
How often will Fife Food for Fife Folk run?
You can order twice a week, and we also have a monthly Fife Food for Fife Folk event day one Saturday a month. For dates, see the Fife Food for Fife Folk page.
How can I collect my order?
Collection for orders of dried goods can be placed any time in the month and can be collected once the bulk order has arrived any day we are open (Wed to Sat).
Collection dates for fresh produce will initially be on Saturdays. If you have ordered fresh goods, please pick them up on the specified Saturday. This is to ensure your goods reach you in good condition (as the fruit and veg is chemical-free some foods, such as soft fruit, have a limited shelf-life).
If you think you will have difficulty making the collection time, please email or ring Kitty on 01592 858458 and we’ll endeavour to arrange an alternative collection time.