‘Climate Reality’ talk at St Bryce Kirk

St Bryce Kirk are holding an exciting event next week. On Tuesday 23rd June at 7pm, it’s an evening of talks and discussion about climate change – the causes, effects, and what we can all do about it. The special guest speaker is Jess Pepper from the Climate Reality Project. Climate Reality is the global non-profit organisation focused on climate change education, and led by former United States Vice President Al Gore.
Also speaking is our own Suzy Goodsir, and St Bryce’s Rev Ken Froude will be giving an overview of the great work St Bryce are doing to tackle their own carbon emissions.
St Bryce is located on St Brycedale Avenue, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1ET. The event is free but St Bryce has asked if you could let them know you are coming – phone 01592 640016 or email office@stbrycekirk.org.
It should be a really interesting evening – we’re looking forward to it, and hope to see you there!