Autumn – The most beautiful season

My absolute favourite season is Autumn. Its so beautiful! With the coloured leaves and the way they crunch when you walk over them. The way they flutter from the trees at a leisurely pace. I love getting wrapped up warm and going out on those crisp autumn days.
I don’t suppose many people think about autumn as much as the other seasons as people love summer with the hope of some sun to change those pasty white bodies to that of a Greek goddess (in Scotland maybe not!)
Or winter – its all about the worry and/or excitement at the prospect of snow. Its about getting up early to put on the radio to see if the school was closed (well that’s what happened when I was at school. No doubt nowadays its updated on Facebook or Twitter) Mid-way through there’s also the excitement of Christmas and whether you had been a good girl or boy that year.
I was going to write a list of why I like autumn but I thought I’d write a wee poem instead.
The leaves change colour to orange and brown
They lie on the streets, in the park and in town
My cheeks are rosy with the crisp autumn air
Hands in my pockets and the wind in my hair
The clocks go back, the nights draw in
Sweeping up the leaves fills up your brown bin
Ghosts and witches come chapping the door
Looking for sweeties, money and more
On the 5th of November its Bonfire Night
Where everyone gathers to stare in delight
When the trees are bare and the sun hasn’t shone
Winter is here and autumn has gone.
I was visiting Prague recently and they had some lovely autumn trees so I took a few photos which are throughout the blog hope you think they are as beautiful as I did.