Fairtrade Fortnight in The High Street Hub

Wednesday 1st March to Saturday 11th March, 10am – 4pm, High Street Hub
Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual national event. This year it runs from 27th February to 12th March and the Fairtrade Foundation is urging people to put Fairtrade into their breaks – small daily changes that can make a huge difference.
To celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight this year, we’ll be providing free Fairtrade refreshments in our High Street Hub, Wednesday to Saturday throughout Fairtrade Fortnight. Why not drop into our Hub for your Fairtrade break? Throughout the fortnight we’ll be giving you the opportunity try out some of the Fairtrade products we stock in our Eco Shop and find out more about why Fairtrade matters, with Fairtrade games and information, too.
We’re also keen to encourage other local businesses and organisations to make the switch to Fairtrade, so if you’re interested in learning more about Fairtrade and why your support is so important, pop into our High Street Hub to learn more, and pick up leaflets to share with colleagues and friends.
To find out more about why we sell Fairtrade in our Eco Shop, to see what we have in stock, or for enquiries on our film showing, or how you can help your business or organisation make the transition to Fairtrade, drop into our High Street Hub, 254a High Street, Kirkcaldy, 10am to 4 pm, every Wednesday to Saturday. You can also contact us by calling 01592 858458 or emailing info@greenerkirkcaldy.org.uk.